Friday, 25 November 2011

Week 1 - Pets on Location project

As a summer project we had to create a sculpture of a 'pet' or animal that reflected us in some way. I chose a Pangolin because, well, they roll up in a ball if threatened...and theyre adorable.
On Induction day we were given our next project which was to photography our pets in the style of 3 different film genres/specific films. I chose 1950's Sci Fi B Movies, Fantasy and Documentary since frankly I thought a Pangolin might look a bit out of place in Film Noir...
The films I used specifically were: War of the Worlds, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Koyaanisqatsi...yeah, have fun trying to say that name out loud.
Oh and we didnt get away with having just one project during freshers week, oh no, we also had to make a camera manual with examples of every setting on our fancy cameras. But I shouldnt complain, it was pretty interesting, even if it does mean my camera only manually focuses now...sigh.

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